Thursday, February 9, 2012

Holy Bananas

So, I still haven't been back much. And here's the reason - my meds have really kicked in and I have a crapload to catch up on.

See, when I have a thing to put away, or a small project to finish, it usually hinges on 5 or 6 other things getting done first. I'm pretty good at getting projects 1 and 2 done, or maybe just number 4, but 1-6? NEVER. So small item that needs to be put away or fixed? Not happening.

And so goes my life for the last 5 years - since buying this house and having a second kid.

And then I got Adderall. And I'm getting things done. Projects 1-6? Yes. Small item that needs to be completed? Check. So yeah, I'm catching up on the last 5 years of projects in my house. With my children. ON my children.

Maybe I'll check back in next week and tell you how awesome Adderall is.

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